Diet pills are not considered medications, and therefore they are not regulated by the FDA.? This has enormous implications for people looking to lose weight and are thinking about turning to diet pills to help them with their weight loss goals.? For many people, diet pills can be the gateway to addiction and an array of negative side effects.? We?ve heard many tragic stories of people who became addicted to diet pills within a few weeks of beginning their regimen.? Diet pill manufacturers promise nearly impossible results and it is all too easy to be taken in by the allure of being free from obesity in a matter of a few months.? The effects of diet pill addiction are many.? In many people, diet pill addiction is noticeable only after a few weeks of beginning to take the pills.? Many people who become addicted say? that they just don?t feel ?normal? unless they take their pills.? They feel depressed, unenergetic, sometimes anxious, and experience highs and lows in their emotional state.? In even more extreme examples, those addicted to diet pills damage their cardiovascular system, their heart, or even their kidneys.? These cases are extremely serious, as heart and kidney damage accumulates and can be fatal if not treated by a physician.
In many cases, diet pill addiction is a sign of deeper psychological problems, and the person is not chemically addicted, but rather, psychologically addicted.? The phenomenon mirrors other types of psychological addictions, like people who feel the need to smoke cigarettes, but don?t feel the negative effects that would show chemical addiction.? In many cases, addiction to diet pills could point to much deeper self-esteem issues.? Some people have such poor self-image and self-esteem that they feel that they must constantly take diet pills to keep their weight in check. This starts a vicious cycle, where the person addicted to the pills is never satisfied with their appearance and takes more and more diet pills.? This can lead to kidney failure and heart disease, so the effects can be quite serious.? If you develop these symptoms, please see a psychiatrist and a physician as soon as possible to investigate the negative effects the diet pills may have visited on your body, and also how you can rebuild your self-image so that you do not feel you need the diet pills any longer.?
Diet pill addiction is serious and those entrapped by it spend long, painful months breaking the addiction, even under the supervision of a trained, medical physician.? This is why it is so important to try other, non-chemical ways to improve our self-esteem and lose weight.? People lost weight long before the invention of the diet pill.? Simply changing our diet to include healthier food, more exercise, and more positive activities can do so much more than a diet pill ever could.? If you feel depressed by your weight, take time out of your week to go for a walk or visit your local gym.? If you are a regular at your local fast food place, try cooking a meal at home and really making it something special.? A little candlelight and nice cutlery might be over the top, but you?re worth it!? You?ll find that treating yourself with respect will do so much more than any diet pill ever could.
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